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Honorary Degree Recipients

Name Degree Date
Michael Late Benedum Doctor of Laws June 8, 1940
Phillip M. Snyder Doctor of Laws June 8, 1940
Harold Earl Thompson Doctor of Science June 8, 1940
William Rootes Thompson Doctor of Laws June 8, 1940
Matthew Mansfield Neely Doctor of Laws June 7, 1941
Charles Byron Jolliffe Doctor of Laws May 18, 1942
Claud Ashton Jones Doctor of Science May 18, 1942
Crispin Oglebay Doctor of Laws May 18, 1942
Calvin Wells Price Doctor of Laws May 18, 1942
Clearance Watson Meadows Doctor of Laws May 25, 1945
Vannevar Bush Doctor of Science April 26, 1947
James Bryant Conant Doctor of Science April 26, 1947
Dwight David Eisenhower Doctor of Laws September 23, 1947
Kari Taylor Compton Doctor of Science May 31, 1948
John Mclenaghan Crawford Doctor of Laws May 31, 1948
James Draper Francis Doctor of Laws May 30, 1949
Louis Arthur Johnson Doctor of Laws June 30, 1949
Okey Leonidas Patteson Doctor of Laws May 30, 1949
Charles Yaeger Doctor of Science May 30, 1949

Bold indicates person featured in cover photo.